The Physiotherapist Blog

PGM-UMW Road to olympics 2016 programme

After more than a century on the sidelines, golf will return to the Olympics at the Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro. Professional Golf of Malaysia (PGM), UMW Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (UMW) and MST Golf Management Sdn. Bhd. (MST) signed a Tripartite Agreement for the...

Kinesis Care follows Wind Horse polo team in Kuala Lumpur

Wind Horse Polo Team. Team members : Chris Yeo (-2) Christine Hia (-2) Sally Ann Tan (-2) Jennifer Too (0) Ali Mazlan (+2) Saladin Mazlan (+3) Marco Foccacia (+3) Newly formed for the Royal Malaysia Polo Association (RMPA) 2014 leagues, Windhorse Polo is based around...

The Kinesis care golf concept

The Kinesis care golf concept is designed to deliver a truly holistic experience to enhance your golf performance. We deliver three essential components under one roof, bringing a more comprehensive and efficient support to your game. 1)      SPORTS SCIENCE a...

Golf injuries, What to do?

A physiotherapist will help control your symptoms and promote the healing of the affected area, and guide you back to a functional life. A physiotherapist specialized in sport will go the extra mile to lead you back to your sport step by step. The specificity of your...

Main runner’s injuries & possible rehabilitation solutions

Pattellofemoral pain syndrome Patella mal-tracking means the knee cap is not properly aligned on the knee joint.  The pain is most likely to behind the patella and/or surrounding the patella This sympton should not be confused with pain that occurs directly on the...

Golf can be frustrating game

Golf can be frustrating game. Consistency and accuracy are important factors that can make the difference between high or low handicap players. You have been working hard with your golf pro on your swing techniques, course management and club fitting. What about your...

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